Connections DDRC
What is Connections DDRC

Connections DDRC assists individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families access services through the State of Alaska Developmental Disabilities (DD) Programs.
How can Connections Help?
The Connections DDRC Coordinator serves as a first point of contact to help access and navigate the variety of disability services available. They will help develop strategies and natural supports to help participants achieve stability and independence.
The Connections DDRC Coordinator can assist with:
Applying for DD eligibility
Accessing other disability resources
Assisting with Mini-Grant applications
Referring for DD Waiver care coordination

Who is Eligible?
The State of Alaska defines the IDD as a severe, chronic disabilty that:
- Is attributable to a mental or physical impairment or combination of both
- Is manifested before age 22 and is likely to continue indefinitely
- Results in substantial functional limitation in three or more areas of major life activity.
We serve the following regions:
- Fairbanks North Star Borough
- North Slope Borough
- Interior Road System
- Yukon-Koyukuk Region
Anyone who is looking for help in accessing disability related services can call the Connections DDRC. If we can’t help you, we will work to connect you with services that can. For information or to make a referral for Connections DDRC services, please contact:
Connections DDRC Coordinator
Fontana Dawson
Fax: (907) 456-6124
Note: The Connections DDRC was formerly called STAR. STAR Services were provided by FRA (Fairbanks Resource Agency) until June of 2019. If you previously received STAR services through FRA, please feel free to call ACCA for more information about how to continue your services.