Family Wellness

About the Program

The Family Wellness Program is a 5-year partnership between Fairbanks Native Association, ACCA, and Thrivalaska and is one of 3 Federal SAMHSA Project LAUNCH Grants in Alaska. Project services are fully integrated with ACCA ILP but are also available to all families in the community.

Identify Concerns

The Family Wellness program identifies social emotional and parent/child relationship concerns prior to age 8, providing early supports to build positive relationships. ACCA provides screening, evaluation, developmental guidance, and community referrals to support children in the context of their family relationships. Services are provided by an Infant Mental Health Endorsed Developmental Specialist.

Building Mental Health

Infant Early Childhood Mental Health (IECMH) services have been shown to be effective and to help build the foundation for children’s mental health and social-emotional development across the lifespan. ACCA has been a leader in the community and the state in the field of Infant Mental Health for more than 20 years. Our program model is based on practices outlined in the Alaska Infant and Early Childhood Competencies.

Evidence Based Practices

Providers utilize evidence based practices under guidelines from the professional organizations in their fields of practice, basing treatment on individual child needs. These may include Child Parent Psychotherapy (CPP), Circle of Security Parenting (COP), Facilitating Attuned Interactions (FAN), WONDERbabies (Ways Of Nurturing Development through Enhanced Relationships) and others.

Parenting Classes

The Family Wellness Program also offers Circle of Security Parenting classes twice per year. Using the COSP™ model, our trained facilitators work with parents and care-givers to help them:

Emotional Needs

Understand their child’s emotional world by learning to read emotional needs.

Manage Emotions

Support their child’s ability to successfully manage emotions.

Self Esteem

Enhance the development of their child’s self esteem.


Honor the innate wisdom and desire for their child to be secure.


For information or to make a referral for the Family Wellness Program, please contact:

Family Wellness Specialist
Kristen Panamaroff