FASD Community Evaluation & Service

What is the FASD Diagnostic Team?

The FASD DiagnosticTeam serves children experiencing difficulties related to prenatal exposure to alcohol. Services include screening and multidisciplinary evaluations leading to diagnosis and recommendations for intervention.

What is FASD?

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders are a range of disabilities resulting from prenatal exposure to alcohol (PAE). Individuals with a PAE/FASD may present with a wide range of cognitive and/or physical differences determined by many variables—including when the alcohol was consumed (what was developing at that moment), how much was consumed, genetics, epigenetics, metabolism of the baby and pregnant person, stress level, etc. These variables contribute to how much and what kind of damage can occur, and inform the appropriate diagnosis and interventions.

FASD Impacts

PAE/FASD most often impacts the brain, which manages behavior, judgment, memory, learning, emotions, attention, impulse control, understanding cause and effect, and more.

All populations of Alaskans where alcohol is used are at risk for FASD.

FASD Diagnosis

The Fairbanks FASD Diagnostic Team uses a multi-disciplinary approach to FASD diagnosis. Diagnoses involve:

Parent Support Group

A Support and Discussion Group sponsored by Stone Soup Group is available for parents and caregivers of those of all ages affected by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.

Get Support

The goal of this group is to provide:

Group Details

Join the Group

Join other caregivers of children and youth who experience an FASD for monthly informative conversations. This is a private Zoom for families and caregivers only. This group is facilitated by Stone Soup Group.

FASD Guide - CDC

FASD guide for medical professionals produced by the Centers for Disease Control and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Great information for those wanting to learn more about FASDs.


Diane Malbin’s organization focusing on a neurobehavioral approach to understanding FASDs. This is the approach taught in our FASD Into Action classes.


FASD videos for teachers, cover a variety of approaches to working with students who experience challenges resulting from prenatal exposure.

FASD and the Legal System

Videos with easy to understand explanations of the challenged those who experience FASDs may encounter in the legal system.

Follow Us on Facebook

Get the latest on upcoming events and news by following the Fairbanks FASD Caregiver Support Group.

Contact Information

For information or to make a referral to the FASD diagnostic team, please contact:

FASD Team Coordinator
Alina Krol
Email: alina.krol@alaskacenter.org